Rehub is a versatile WordPress theme that supports various modern business models for profitable websites. It offers advanced integration with popular multi-vendor plugins for WooCommerce, including WCFM, Dokan, WC Vendor, and MultivendorX, making it an ideal choice for building multi-vendor eCommerce sites.
- Unique View counter with filter for popular by date
- Support for multiple vendors per one product and Price comparison Products
- RTL support
- Brand archive
- Price comparison functions
- Automatic auto contents shortcode, sticky contents
- Frontend posting, frontend reviews, including limited submissions or paid submit
- Coupon functions
- Printable coupons
- Powerfull community functions and extended customizations for Buddypress, Mycred
- All functions are good also on mobiles
- Multicurrency Support
- Advanced Product FIlter plugin is in bundle
- RH FRontend PRO is bundled with theme
- Special Post Layout optimized for reading according to new trends
- Advanced Mega Menu
- Customizable filter panel for all post modules
- AMP extended support
- Magazines and News sites
- Visual composer is bundled with >20 custom content modules
- Special plugin to hide, cloak and bulk change affiliate links
- Extended support for Content Egg plugin
- Top review list constructor
- Price or product comparison theme with dynamic price updates
- Option to use Adsense optimized layout
- Social Community with submit option
- Hot metter, favorites, post report, like or not scripts
- Tons unique shortcodes such as ajax categories archive, reveal buttons, countdowns, pricetables, offer lists, etc
- Extended moneymaking functions for earnings on affiliate programs
- Catalog constructor
- And much, much more often updates
- Highest Conversion pages
- Extended Post Layouts
- Product comparisons
- Specification builder, Company profile builder
- JSON-LD schema
- Extended user review system
- Custom ajax search
- Multi vendor extended support
- Reviews with extended user reviews and table constructors, top review constructors
- Dynamic button for add to comparisons
- User login/register popups and custom author template
- Vendor stores locator and product/post map locator, vendor and user filters and categories
- Business Directory with Locators, Custom Search filters and custom specifications
- Extended support for Affiliate Egg plugin
- Product Layout for different purpose, booking, comparison, Extended photo, etc
- Membership subscriptions and extended user role restrictions
- Quick specifications from Icecat
- Good speed
- Deal sites and deal communities
- Top tables constructor, top charts constructor, Top sets pages
- Custom badge system
- Customizer support
- 5 different design layouts for woocommerce offers
- Multi Vendor shops and simple shops, support for multi vendor per product
- Responsive table constructor