HomeWordpress PluginsWP MAPS PRO 5.5.5 – WordPress Plugin for Google Maps For Free

WP MAPS PRO 5.5.5 – WordPress Plugin for Google Maps For Free


  • Display a circle around the center location to highlight center location. Set property of the circle.
  • Assign multiple locations to the map using searchable listings. Listings is paginated if you have hundreds of locations.
  • Show/Hide Zoom Control, Full Screen Control, Map Type Control, Scale Control, Street View Control, Overview Map Control and decide the position of the controls over the map.
  • Hide markers on page load and display them after filtration only.
  • Display street view of the location. Setup POV Heading and POV Pitch of Street View to customize Street View output of a location.
  • Display overlays and customize border color, overlay width, overlay height, font size, border width and border style.
  • Easiest way to limit panning/dragging so the map stays within certain bounds using limit panning settings.
  • Display GEOJSON data using URL easily.
  • Display maps in a blend of normal and satellite views.
  • Display Google Maps in sidebars using widget. You can display any number of maps in the sidebar.
  • Display categories, directions, routes, and nearby tabs together on a google maps.
  • Display location counts with category name. and sort categories by number of location assigned.
  • Keep backup of locations, routes, maps and categories.
  • You can assign permissions to your users to manage your location, categories, routes and maps.
  • Ability to use External Database or Sources to add markers on Google Maps using new filter wpgmp_marker_source.
  • Add multiple Google maps on a page. Each map will have own properties.
  • A cross browser compatible plugin. Fully tested on IE8, IE9, IE10 and all other major browsers
  • Multilingual Supported using .po files.
  • Multisite Enabled and ability to activate it network wide.
  • Filter locations by custom fields, taxonomies & location data easily. Create multiple filters using backend.
  • Display posts, pages or custom posts type on google maps. You can display multiple posts type on a single google maps.
  • Assign location to your post easily using meta box or your own custom fields. You can use Advanced Custom Fields plugin to assign location to your post as well.
  • Display posts information e.g title, content, excerpt, featured image, categories, tags, custom fields or custom taxonomies in infowindow. You just need to use placeholders to display these data.
  • Display posts listing below the map and show posts information in the listing. You can customize html easily to integrate your own design.
  • Display posts or locations below map in grid or list format. Visitor can switch format at front-end.
  • Placeholders to modify location listing data without any programming.
  • Enable or disable search form, category filter, print option, sorting options in the backend.
  • Listing module is pagination supported. You can decide # of posts or locations per page using backend setting.
  • Ask start location and end location from visitor to show route directions. Click on marker to automatically fill start location. Get driving, bicycling, walking or transit route information.
  • Visitor can get route directions in both miles and kilometre.
  • Display start location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations.
  • Display end location input as textbox or select box filled with your locations.
  • Ability to display default Start and End location in directions tab.
  • Get nearby places within certain radius using google places api.
  • Display Circle around amenities found using google places api.
  • Enable marker clusters if you have too many locations. Just activate and the plugin will handle the rest.
  • You can apply marker clustering on both posts and locations. Marker cluster will be updated automatically on filtration.
  • Choose marker cluster icons and mouseover icons to improve user experience. 10 marker cluster styles are available
  • Choose marker cluster grid size and max zoom level.
  • Create routes in the backend and display them on front-end. You can assign a color to each route. Visitor can show/hide routes on front-end using route filter form. You can display multiple routes on a google maps.
  • Customize Stroke Color, Stroke Opacity, Stroke Weight, Travel Modes, Unit Systems, Start Location, End Location and way points to create a route.
  • Make route draggable and optimize waypoints to suggest the best possible route.
  • Assign waypoints to the route. Searchable location listings is added to assign waypoints to the route quickly.
  • Admin can draw any number of circles, rectangles, polygons or polylines and display them on google maps. Shapes are clickable.
  • Display an infowindow on click on a shape.
  • Redirect to a location on click on a shape.
  • Delete individual shapes or modify property of the shape by selecting on click.
  • Draw any number of shapes on the map and save all of them together.
  • Use your own coordinates to draw shapes.
  • Apply awesome Google Maps styles from snazzymaps.com with a simple copy and paste.
  • Apply Bounce Animation on marker click or mouse over.
  • Apply Drop Animation on marker when they display on google maps.
  • Change zoom level of the map on marker click for better visibility.
  • Display multiple KML/KMZ Layers on the map.
  • Display large number of data on the map using fusions table. The best way to manage large sets of data.
  • Display real time traffic conditions and overlays using Traffic Layers.
  • Add bicycle path information to your maps using the Bicycling Layer.
  • Display physical maps based on terrain information.
  • Ability to display multiple layers together on the map.
  • Set height, width, zoom level, map type, enable/disable scrolling wheel, draggable property and apply 45° imagery.
  • Maps are fully responsive and adjust automatically according to device.
  • (Optional) Assign center latitude and longitude to the map. By default, center location is automatically calculated based on locations assigned to the map.
  • Center the map based on visitor’s current location.


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